Bypassing SSL Pinning in Flutter apps
There are 2 main ways to bypass SSL pinning protection in mobile apps. 1 is by patching the app binary direcly, and the 2nd is by hooking the app’s function call that handles the SSL cert chain verification. Same goes for Flutter apps..
1. Patching the Application File
The most common approach of doing this for Flutter apps is by using reFlutter. This works by patching the
of the Flutter Engine to bypass certificate validation, monitoring network traffic, and printing function calls as well.
To do it, first install reflutter using pip.
pip3 install reflutter
Then grab your target apps, and run them to reflutter
reflutter main.apk
If it’s working properly then it would shown something like this.
C:\Users\zr\apk>reflutter app-1.3.apk
Choose an option:
1. Traffic monitoring and interception
2. Display absolute code offset for functions
[1/2]? 1
Is this really a Flutter app?
There was no (Android) or App (iOS) found in the package.
Make sure there is arm64-v8a/ or App.framework/App file in the package. If flutter library name differs you need to rename it properly before patching.
After that, you’ll need to re-align and sign the patched APK. You can do this by using uber-jar-signer.
C:\Users\zr\apk>java -jar C:\Tools\uber-jar-signer -a release.RE-aligned-debugSigned.apk
After that you can proceed to install and run the application.